Zakātul Fiṭr Obligation After Divorce: A Guide for Muslim Me

Does a Divorced Husband Still Have to Pay Zakātul Fiṭr for His Ex-Wife?

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

He divorced his wife, does he still have to pay Zakātul Fiṭr on her behalf?▪️

Our Shaykh, Muḥammad ibn Hizām -may Allāh preserve him- was asked the following question:

📩 Question:

A man divorced his wife with whom he has two kids, how is Zakātul Fiṭr calculated in this case, bearing in mind the husband sends money to cover his children’s expenses.

📝 Answer:

If the divorce is Raj‘ē [one in which the husband is allowed to take the woman back without requiring a new marriage contract] and she is still in her ‘iddah (waiting period), then without a doubt the man will be responsible for paying Zakātul Fiṭr on behalf of his wife and children, as she is still his wife. 

But if she already completed her ‘iddah, or this is the third divorce, then he only needs to pay Zakātul Fiṭr on behalf of his children. As for his ex-wife, then her guardians fulfill that for her, or she can do it herself. 

And with Allāh lies all success.

Translated by:

Abu Yunus Nassime ibn Youssef Vernege-Fanus As-saint Lucee

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