Can You Give Zakat and Sadaqah to Your Sister in Need?

Understanding Zakat and Sadaqah: Can They Be Given to Family?

Question: My sister, along with her four children, is living at our father’s house. She hasn’t been divorced yet. By Allah’s grace, my mother and brother fulfill her and her children’s needs. The question is, can we give charity (sadaqah) and zakat to her? She has three tolas of gold, but no other wealth.

Answer: Since your mother and brother are supporting your sister and her needs are being fulfilled, you cannot give her zakat. However, if her needs are not being completely met, then you may give her zakat. As for charity (sadaqah), it can be given at any time. Furthermore, you should resolve the matter between her and her husband if he is not fulfilling her rights and she does not wish to live with him, then she should seek separation through divorce or khula so that if she wants to remarry, she can do so. However, if living with him is possible, even if it requires some patience, she should continue to do so.

Respondent: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafizahullah

Jeddah Dawah Center, Saudi Arabia  

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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