The Proper Way to Give Charity: Avoid Misguided Traditions

Understanding the True Essence of Charity (Sadaqah)

Question: Concerning charity, there is a trend in our area where people wave chickens or goats over their heads and then throw the meat on the streets or fields, or sometimes give it to the poor after performing seven circles over themselves. What is the correct way to give charity?

Answer: Charity (sadaqah) is the right of the poor and needy. Therefore, whatever is given—whether money or food—should be handed directly to a needy person so that they can fulfill their needs. Throwing charity items on the streets or fields is a form of disrespect for the blessings Allah has given. This is not charity; it is a sinful act, and Allah will hold people accountable for wasting blessings in this manner.

Respondent: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafizahullah 

Jeddah Dawah Center, Saudi Arabia  

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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