13 Essential Tips for Young Muslim Women: A Guide to a Virtuous Life

Empowering Young Muslim Women: Advice for a Fulfilling Life

1. Make your home your own kingdom.

2. Do not compete with men in their work (never mix with them).

3. Read about marital preparation: how to be a good wife, how to manage your home, how to deal with any problems that may arise with your husband, etc.

4. Learn cooking from your mother and from the internet, as this is beneficial, and also learn home management.

5. Learn your religion and listen to scholars to learn what is important for you to know about your faith, so your worship can be correct.

6. Study the jurisprudence specific to women in different areas such as purity, bathing, prayer, etc.

7. Always honor your parents, no matter what they do, even if they are unjust to you. Be patient and consider it a path to paradise and the pleasure of Allah the Almighty.

8. Exercise, as it is beneficial.

9. Avoid anything harmful to your health, take care of yourself and your body, and do not try to harm it in any way. Use moisturizers, creams, etc.

10. Take some time to relax and enjoy yourself (take outings). Relaxation is a legitimate need before it is a psychological and moral one.

11. Befriend righteous girls and avoid those of bad character. Remember that a girl only has her reputation, dignity, and modesty among people. If any of these three are lost, the girl is lost forever!

12. Dress in a way that pleases Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), and imitate the Mothers of the Believers and the honorable female companions (may Allah be pleased with them). Read about their lives and stories as young women, as married women, as hardworking women, as good wives, and as those who honored their husbands and took care of themselves.

13. Memorize the Quran to the best of your ability and capacity.

We ask Allah to improve the condition of our girls, our youth, and all Muslims.

✍🏼 Translated by Ummu Salma

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