Table of Contents
Islamic Ruling on Women Wearing a دِبْلَة Ring as an Adornment
Wedding Rings vs. Rings Worn as Adornments
Question: What is the ruling on women wearing a دِبْلَة (*): if the ring is worn solely as an adornment?
Sheikh ’Abdulhameed Az-Zu’kari ḥafidhahullāh
In essence, the دبلة is actually a ring. If it is worn solely as an adornment, there is no harm in this. However, designating a ring specifically for engagement or marriage—where only engaged or married women wear it—and considering its presence on a woman’s hand as a symbol of her commitment, or its removal as a symbol of the end of the relationship, is prohibited, as it imitates the practices of the disbelievers.
() This refers to a specific type of ring, often associated with engagement or marriage.