Can Cancer Patients Wear Masks During Umrah in Ihram?

Guidelines for Wearing Masks in Ihram for Health Protection During Umrah

Question: A cancer patient wants to perform Umrah, but their immune system is very weak. In such a condition, can they and their family members (especially their wife) wear masks in the state of Ihram to protect themselves from flu, sore throat, and other illnesses? If the family members get sick, there is a risk of the patient becoming even more ill.

Answer: Those who are coming for Umrah, whether they are sick or accompanying a sick person, can wear masks on their faces in the state of Ihram for their protection. There is no issue with this. Both men and women can wear masks.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafizahullah

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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