Timeless Marriage Secrets: Lessons from Our Parents

Why Modern Marriages Fail: 3 Key Differences from Our Parents’ Generation

Useful Marriage Tips; Lesson From Our Parents

Do you notice that the rate of divorce in this modern day is higher than in olden days? Our parents and grandparents spent 60 years in marriage without divorce. Some of our parents have spent up to 70 years in marriage and they are still happily married. But in this our present generation, it is very hard for you to see modern couples spending up to 10 years in marriage. In our present generation, some married couples spent only one year in marriage and then divorce. Some spend only 5-7 years in marriage. Why? The reasons are very simple. Marriages do not last these days because…

1. In olden days, our parents and grandparents did not marry because of money, beauty, handsomeness or fame. That’s why their marriages lasted. But nowadays, young guys and ladies are getting married because of money, beauty, handsomeness and sex. This is the reason why marriages don’t last these days.

2. In olden days, our parents and grandparents beleive that the husband is the head of the family. In olden days, wives respected and obeyed their husbands. That’s why there was no divorce. But nowadays, in modern marriages, many wives don’t respect their husbands. They don’t agree that husband is the head. They beleive that both husband and wife are equal. This causes fight in the house. That is why there are many cases of divorce these days.

3. In olden days, our parents and grandparents practised tolerance, endurance, forgiveness, faithfulness and respect. But nowadays, modern married couples don’t do that. Why? Because Of So-Called Civilisation.

Let us learn from our parents. Ask your parents about the secret of their happy long marriage. Learn from them. Enough Of All These Divorces Here And There.

May Allah SWT bless all our marriages. Ameen

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