The Truth About Shrines and Graves: Separating Fact from Fiction

Exposing the False Miracles and Innovations of Grave Worshippers

Question: Nowadays, there is a lot of attention on the claim that a shrine is breathing. While we do not hold incorrect beliefs about saints, after witnessing the truth of this grave, we should respectfully honor them. How true is this grave?

Answer: Regarding this question, keep in mind the concept of grave worshippers and remember that those who build shrines on graves, kiss graves, prostrate on graves, cover graves with sheets and garlands, and ask the dead for favors are innovators. Since they trade in graves, they frequently tell false stories about graves. The purpose of such false stories is to attract more people to the shrine, encourage them to buy and sell at the shrine’s shops, and present offerings to the caretakers.

You should know that building solid structures over graves, constructing shrines on them, sitting as caretakers, holding fairs, and organizing Qawwali and Urs at these places are all forbidden acts. Yet, grave worshippers do all these things to earn money in the name of religion.

The graves of the greatest believers in the world are in Medina, but you have never heard that a grave in Medina is breathing, or that a dead person has come out alive from a grave in Medina, or that the shroud of the deceased has not become dirty. This is because the people of Medina, Alhamdulillah, are monotheists.

All the miracles attributed to graves are related to the shrines of innovators, and these miracles are self-made, meaning they create dramatic and magical effects themselves to instill reverence for the shrine in people’s hearts and earn money. A Pakistani innovator claimed that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to his house at night and showed people the footprints of the Prophet. Thus, it is an old tradition among grave worshippers to tell such false stories, which is why they continue to narrate false miracles about saints and holy men.

I have seen the video claiming that a grave is breathing. Regarding this video, I would say that if you go there and see it yourself, you will understand that it is a false drama by grave worshippers and has no reality. A TV person also said that someone placed a mechanical device to create such an effect.

The final point is that Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, can manifest a miracle anywhere on earth by His power. This is Allah’s power, but do not believe in false miracles about any grave, saint, or shrine.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (May Allah protect him)

❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia❫

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