The Truth About Pieces of the Kaba’s Curtain: A Warning Against Innovation

The Misconception of Seeking Blessings from Relics: A Call to Return to True Faith

Question: What should be done if someone has a piece of the Kaba’s curtain? If it is given as a gift, what can we do with it? Obviously, we cannot throw it away. Can we frame it and hang it on the wall at home?

Answer: Nowadays, there is less focus on faith and deeds among Muslims, and there is an increasing trend towards seeking blessings from relics, charms, and shortcuts in religious practices. People put up Quranic verses for home protection, wear amulets for protection from jinn and devils, and create various fabricated prayers for different needs, mistaking these practices as part of religion and becoming absorbed in them.

Regarding your question about what to do with a piece of the Kaba’s curtain: the real question should be what purpose you intended in acquiring this piece of the Kaba’s curtain. It is not right to ask us what to do with it after acquiring it.

In reality, people obtain pieces of the Kaba’s curtain as relics, hoping for blessings and protection for their homes. I advise everyone that you should not seek to acquire pieces of the Kaba’s curtain in the future, nor should you display them as relics in your home. If you already have one, it is better to remove it from your home and burn it. This piece will not benefit you or your home in any way. Additionally, be aware that pieces of the Kaba’s curtain are distributed worldwide, often cut from other fabrics, and this practice is generally more common among those who follow innovations and grave worship. Unfortunately, it is becoming more common even among some who adhere to monotheism, which indicates the need for correction in this practice.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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