The Stigma of Polygyny: Breaking Down the Misconceptions

Polygyny in Islam: Why It’s Not Abnormal or Shameful

We have come towards a time where people look at polygyny as something adnormal, disgusting and shameful.

To the point where if a sister looks for her husband 2nd, 3rd or/and 4th people look at her as stupid, delusional and as if she is forced, or if a brother looks for himself, they believe his playing, his disloyal, desperate or his wife is deficient and cannot satisfy him. 

While for a wife to look for her husband shows so much acceptance, love and respect for him to the point she does everything in her power to find him a good woman who she can personally build a relationship with so there isn’t any trouble, this is such a rewarding thing that Allah (Azza wal jal) will give on such woman, even just for her sacrifices in her emotions to share her man to another fisabilillah and for her love too for her husband. 

For one to believe that she is stupid delusional and abnormal…what then do they call the people before us at the time of our prophet ﷺ? Do they define them as such too? (Authu Billah) 

As well for the man to look as well for himself yet transparent to his wife, who is one to open up him being disloyal, a player or even go as far as believing his wife cannot satisfy him??

Many times I see that as contrary, for a man to be a player or disloyal he would do anything haram behind her back or marry another and not give her haqq, sadly a lot of women forgive a man to do this yet leave a man if he goes and marries in a halal way and does everything right by both…and for one to believe that he is desperate only shows silliness because men will not marry unless he sees the woman is fit to be a second, third or forth. 

Even some go as evil to say and believe the first is lacking things for her husband, yet wallahi I’ve seen the first wife being loved so much and I know she knows in her heart she will always be loved so much and much more for sacrifices helping and accepting his right as a Muslim man to look and search for another wife(s). 

Many times the woman doesn’t lack nothing, she fulfills everything, yet the brother only but wants to follow the footsteps and commandments of our prophet ﷺ by marrying more then one and increase the Ummah. 

Thus, know that if polygyny is done in the right way, who are we to discourage and look down on something that should be normalised and deemed as beautiful.

Wallahi it’s sad we have come to a time where something halal is now treated as haram and looked at as abnormal, meanwhile haram relationships are becoming increasingly common – as though it’s a halal thing and is being normalised by many. 

We have come to a time where the world has encourage such haram acts and discouraged the true teaching of the prophet ﷺ. 

SubhanAllah Nowadays we are not seen by the apparent who are true to Allah (Azza wal jal) and who are not.

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