The Power of Righteousness: How Parents Can Protect Their Children

The Importance of Righteousness in Parenting: A Key to Protecting Your Children

O Parents! Be Righteous!

Tafseer al-Baghawi رحمه الله:

Abdullah ibn Mas’ood  رضي الله عنه used to pray at night (the night prayers) and (when he) would see his small child sleeping then he would say, “this is for your bright future” and whilst crying would recite:

وَكَانَ أَبُوهُمَا صَالِحًا

“And their father was righteous” Surat al-Kahf, 82 

lbn Abbas  رضي الله عنه said (commenting on this verse): 

“They (the two orphans mentioned in Surah al-Kahf) were protected by the righteousness of their father.”

Saeed lbn Musayyib (  رضي الله عنه)said: “I worship, and then when I remember my child(ren), I increase in my worship”

[Tafseer al-Baghawee رحمه الله vol. 5, pg. 196]

The great Tabi’ee, Sa’eed Ibn Jubayr  رضي الله عنه said:

I will increase my prayers for (the sake of) this son of mine. 

Meaning: I will increase in my acts of worship of Allah so that He sets my children aright for me. 

[al-Hilyah, 4/279]

Being Righteous is a Reason for Your Children to be Protected by Allah

Imam as-Sa’dee رحمه الله:

“Allah will protect the righteous servant himself and will safeguard his children.”

[Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan fee Tafseer Kalaam Al-Mannan, 3/979, Imam as-Sa’dee رحمه الله Dar Ibn al-Jawzee print]

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