The Joy of Marriage: How Wives Bring Happiness to the Heart

The Islamic Perspective on Marriage and Intimacy

women are the cause of happiness of the heart

Ibn al Qayyim رحمه الله said: 

“If it (sex) is done wholeheartedly, in a friendly and loving manner, with full desire and with the intention of reward only then one can get complete pleasure which no other thing can give. 

It can only be attained by doing it in the best way. The sign of it is, after doing it every part of the body feels calm, eyes feel cool by seeing the beloved (wife), and the ears feels happiness by listening to her soft and beautiful voice, Through her perfume and by touching her it feels good, and by kissing her the taste of mouth changes, likewise every part of the body feels good.. 

Because women (wives) are the cause of happiness of the heart that is why they are also called the reason for the happiness of the soul. 

ALLAH says “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them” 


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