The Inheritors of Al Firdaws: Characteristics of the Successful Believers

The Traits of the Righteous: Who are the Inheritors of Paradise?

Certainly will the believers has succeed

❄️1.they who are during their prayer humbly intent.

When a person love someone or obsessed with someone then they constantly think about that person and mention him/her in every next thing so the believers their concern inside the salah and also outside the salah yani their state of mind revolves around salah they praise Allah remember Allah in Salah and also outside the salah. 

❄️2.And they who turn away from ill speech. 

In a hadith the prophet said majority of people will go jannah yani paradise for having taqwa and good akhlaq and majority of people will go jahannum yani hellfire due to their tounge. 

❄️3.And they who are observant of Zakah. 

They earn halal and they spend it in the path of Allah SWT. 

❄️4.And they guard 

Yani; they purify herself until it becomes their subconscious habit 

❄️5.They Enjoy halal things. 

They always control their emotions towards bad things and look for halal things. We are what you see so they safeguard their eyes (for both men & women) . 

❄️6.And they who are to their trusts and promises attentively. They are the man of their words, they always keep their promise. 

❄️7.And those who carefully maintain their prayers. 

Yani they have khushu they concentrate in the prayer and sallaf swalihin said that khushu yani concentration is a constant state of mind if you want khushi in the salah also practise it outside the salah. Because in another hadith prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, The first thing to be removed from this nation will be khushu.

Surah Al muminoon

{Notes from 11th hour show of sir tuaha}

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