The Dangers of Hizbiyyah: Understanding the Harms of Partisanship in Islam

The Harms of Hizbiyyah: A Threat to Unity and Truth in Islam

1. Hizbiyyah is from the traditions of Jahiliyyah

2. The first Hizbi was Iblees

3. Hizbiyyah has led many nations to destruction

4. When the Prophet ﷺ migrated to Madina he established ties of brotherhood between the Muhajiroon and Ansar in order to eliminate Hizbiyyah

5. There is no hizb (party) that is upon the truth except the hizb of Allah (not the Rafidhi hizbullah in Lebanon), whereas every other hizb which in opposition to them is from the hizb of Shaytan. 

6. Hizbiyyah causes division & disunity, whereas Allah has ordered us to be united as one nation. 

7. Partisanship cancels the correct allegiance and dis-allegiance. So rather than loving and hating for Allah’s sake, love and hate is based on the hizb. 

8. Those who base their allegiance and dis-allegiance on their hizb will disown and blame one another in the Hereafter.

9. If Hizbiyyah enters a government, it corrupts it. The ruler will not rule by what Allah wants. Instead, he will rule by what his party dictates to him, except those whom Allah has saved.

10. Hizbiyyah leads one to reject the truth

11. Hizbiyyah does not recognise the virtue of the virtuous ones.

12. Hizbiyyah is a cause for hostility towards the allies of Allah.

13. Hizbiyyah comes in many forms, including: fanaticism to individuals, groups, a school of thought, race, colour, tribe, gender, country, ideology… 

14. Hizbiyyah is one of the main causes of weakness among Muslims

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