The Dangers of Takfeer: A Deviation from Islamic Principles

Understanding the Ideology of Takfeer and its Consequences in the Muslim Ummah


This is from the earliest deviations, the i’tiqaadi bid’aah of the khawaarij- the first group that takfeered the muslims without known evidence.

The khawarij also made takfeer of the noble companion- Ali ibn Abi Talib رضي الله عنه. 

All of the groups of the khawarij believe that every major sin is kufr except Najdat(a group among the khawarij). 

🔥Takfeer has spread greatly and the biggest reason that allowed this to spread in the midst of the Muslims is: some of the groups that give da’wah at this particular time were not nurtured upon sunnah. Some of them have ignorance or intentionally do it. 

There are individuals whose books are excessively read and takfeer is apparent in their works, such as, Syed Qutb. He made takfeer on a large scale. 

He says: ❝Verily the people are not muslims as they claim and the people are living a life of jahiliyyah;

and if someone wants to deceive himself or others and wants to believe that it’s possible for him to be upon islaam with this jahiliyyah (he meant kufr Akbar ); (then) his deception does not change the reality, this is not islaam and these individuals are not muslims.❞ 

He said the following in his book- Dhilaalul Quraan:

❝The time has come around like the day when this religion came, the mankind has APOSTATED, they are going back to worshipping slaves and the oppression of religions and they TURNED AWAY from what la ilaha illa Allaah is, ALL OF MANKIND.❞

(May Allah forgive Syed Qutb for this mistake). 

➖Even the ikhwanul muslimeen have accepted that his books are filled excessively with the takfeer of the muslims.

[Taken from the lessons of Ustaadh Abdur Rahman Hassan حفظه الله]

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