The Dangers of Sharing Pictures of the Dead and Injured

Why Sharing Graphic Images is Forbidden in Islam


▫️1. Image making [of anything that possesses a soul] is forbidden and is a major sin. There are 7 different punishments that can be extracted from the ahadīth mentioned in regards to image making, regardless which means is used to create the image, so it is forbidden and a major sin. 

▫️2. Making and sharing images of the dead is even WORSE since it contains humiliation towards the deceased person and the family and loved ones of that person. We have to honour even the graves of the Muslims by taking off our shoes. What then about the Muslim that is in the grave itself. 

▫️3. When these images are uploaded online it is very difficult to remove them. This leaves feelings of sorrow and sadness every time it’s seen, even for years. 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen ‏رحمه الله mentioned about giving condolences to a dead person’s family that this is something that should be immediate. If you have not met that relative for years then do not mention these words of condolences because you’re going to revive the pain. 

By putting pictures of these people online this is something that will add on to misery, every time these are seen.

▫️4. When the Muslims see the capability of their enemies this is something which strikes fear into their hearts and this opposes the objectives of the sharī’ah. The sharī’ah has commanded us to prepare whatever we can:

وَأَعِدُّوا۟ لَهُم مَّا ٱسۡتَطَعۡتُم مِّن قُوَّةࣲ

And make ready against them with all you can of strength.

[Al-Anfal, āyah 60]

Part of strength is strength of heart and being brave. Showing dead, injured and begging brothers of ours, this weakens the hearts of the Muslims.

And another note: We see that it is mainly charity organisations sharing these images and only Allāh knows where these donations are going. 

If you are going to help then do so through trustworthy and reliable means.

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