The Blessing of Trials and Tribulations in Islam

Why Allah Tests Only Those He Wants Goodness for in the Hereafter

Do you know ?

Allah سبحانه وتعالى doesn’t test everyone.

He tests only those persons whom he wants goodness in Akhirah,

In Hereafter.


That’s why we should be glad to be tested in this world.

Coz ,the more we have patience and tawakkul on Allah سبحانه وتعالى 

The more we will be testing or examining in this duniya.

The more u follow Sunnah and adhere to your religion.

The more your test will increase.

So, sometimes companions of our prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم

Used to fear for not being tested or not any calamity touches them.

In jahili The people of Quraish in Makkah for them..

There were no rules, no limitations for Nothing.

Everything was based on your NAFS.

No Halal ,No Haraam!

They did not refrain from eating unclean things. For example, they used to eat the meat of animals that died of natural causes, and drink blood.

Even though they would marry whom they wanted regardless of who she is..i.e his step mother,sister etc.,

They used to use women.

They would do what their Nafs wanted.

Zina (fornication, adultery) was widespread among them, along with its consequences, the worst of which was attributing a child to someone other than the husband.

They used to kill their children because of the poverty they were suffering, or because they feared falling into poverty. Some of them would bury their daughters alive for fear that they would be taken captive, thus bringing shame upon them. 

But when prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم started inviting people towards Allah 

Companions accepted and gave up all Haram evil actions.

They became Muslims.

And they were encountered with numerous calamity and adversity but had strong faith upon Allah.

They would fight in the path of Allah and die as martyrs.

May Allah subhānāhu wa’tālā forgive me and all for our sins and make us strong and steadfast in the Deen of Allah.

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