Ruling on Using Tasbeeh with Metal Chain: Permissible or Not?

Tasbeeh with Metal Chain: Understanding the Islamic Ruling

Question: What is the ruling on a specific type of tasbeeh (prayer beads) that has a metal chain like an amulet?

Answer: It is best to count tasbeeh using one’s fingers, as they will testify on the Day of Judgment. However, using prayer beads is also permissible.

If this specific tasbeeh with a metal chain is being used as an amulet, then it is not allowed, as it falls under the prohibited category of tamimah (charms), which the Prophet (ﷺ) forbade. But if it does not involve any form of amulet-like usage, then there is no harm in using it.

Written By: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullah)

(Jeddah Dawah Center – Hayy Al-Salamah, Saudi Arabia)

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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