Understanding the Harmful Effects of Music on Our Souls and Minds
Once Prophet ﷺ heard music that He ﷺ put fingers within His ears until that sound disappeared and we put the ear/headphones on to get the better access of shaitaan’s voice.Yes, as Allaah said to Iblish in Surah Al-Israa “And befool them gradually those whom you can among them with your voice…” It indicates that the voice of Iblish is songs, music, falsehood and any other call for Allaah’s disobedience.
So what actually happens when we listen to Shaitaan’s voice? It influences our vibrations and thought process. It’s very brainwashing that clouds our mind and raises different types of feelings inside us, e.g: some music makes us feel like we are in love, or that is extremely heartbroken and depressed. Hard rock music gets us pumped up and ready for aggression.
It affects our auric field and puts us into a state of negativity upon causing higher vibrating. These Rap, Tap and HipHop songs not only implants images into our mind that all women are whores and that it’s okay to treat women this way but also raises racial tension and promotes foul and filthy language, abuse of sex, free mixing and drugs, plus the resultant life of violence. Dumber rap songs cause us to be frustrated, annoyed and the time we listen to loud music, we damage the structure of our ear that gradually leads to hearing loss.
Now the music lovers, just reflect for a moment, if music can damage your health & mental condition in the above ways then can you even imagine how worse and harmful it is to your soul? Uhh, uhh, hard to imagine? Shall I tell you? They are literally killing you with excitement. They lead you to zina and make hypocrisy grow in your heart by blocking you from the Quran.
This song inclines you to listen to shaytan’s whispers to pour deafness in your ears so that you condemn religious talks and knowledge. And the more you hear, the more you make fun of your deen, neglect your duties, responsibilities and disdain advice or orders of your Lord, Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala and start digging your grave to assure your way to Jahannam.
May Allah give us the ability to leave music forever for His sake. Aameen.