The Spiritual Benefits of Abandoning Sins: Blessings and Rewards in Islam

The Fruits of Abandoning Sins in Islam: A Path to Closer Connection with Allah

In the teachings of Islam, the abandonment of sins is not merely an act of refraining from wrongdoings, but a profound journey toward spiritual purity and closeness to Allah. Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله, one of the most esteemed scholars of Islam, elaborated beautifully on the countless blessings and rewards that come from abandoning sinful behavior. His words provide us with invaluable insight into the spiritual fruits of avoiding sin and the numerous benefits it brings, both in this life and in the Hereafter.

1. Gaining Beauty

When a person abandons sins, Allah grants him a form of inner beauty that manifests outwardly. This beauty is not of the physical kind, but a radiant glow of faith and righteousness that illuminates the individual’s appearance. The sincerity in their actions and the purity of their heart reflect in their character, making them beloved in the sight of Allah and those around them.

2. Glory in the Hearts of People

When a person lives a life free from sin and strives to follow the path of righteousness, they gain an inner dignity and strength that earns the respect of others. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever humbles himself for the sake of Allah, Allah will raise his status.” (Sahih Muslim) This glory is not sought or manufactured through pride or arrogance, but it is a natural result of one’s efforts to please Allah.

3. Support and Protection in Times of Distress

Abandoning sins leads to Allah’s support in times of hardship. If a person is wronged or hurt, Allah, the Protector (Al-Hafiz), will shield him from harm and grant him the strength to endure. This protection is not just in the worldly sense but also in the spiritual realm, as Allah’s mercy surrounds such a person, providing comfort and reassurance in their moments of distress.

4. Protection of Honor When Slandered

One of the greatest tests a believer faces is the slander or gossip of others. However, when a person refrains from sin and leads a life of integrity, Allah preserves his honor even when he is falsely accused. In fact, the more a person stays firm in his righteousness, the more Allah shields him from harm, and the hearts of others incline towards him in sympathy and respect.

5. Answered Supplications and Closeness to Allah

A person who abandons sin and seeks to live in accordance with Allah’s commandments experiences a deep connection with their Creator. Their supplications are more likely to be answered, as they are in a state of purity, free from the distractions and corruptions that sin brings. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Verily, Allah does not answer the supplication of a person who is impure (in his actions).” (Tafseer Ibn Kathir)

This closeness to Allah enhances a person’s spiritual state, leading to a life of contentment and peace.

6. Closeness to the Angels, Far from the Devils

The abandonment of sin draws the believer closer to the Angels. The Angels are pure and are attracted to those who strive to purify themselves. In contrast, sinful behavior invites the devils (shayaateen) to influence and misguide a person. As a believer turns away from sin, they move farther from the whispers of the devil and draw nearer to the Angels, who bring peace and tranquility.

7. People Will Compete to Serve Him

Those who abandon sin for the sake of Allah earn the love and admiration of others. People will naturally be drawn to help such a person, to fulfill their needs, and to be in their company. This is not out of mere admiration for worldly qualities, but because the goodness and purity in their hearts is reflected in their interactions with others.

8. Fearlessness of Death and Joy in Meeting Allah

When a person abandons sins and seeks closeness to Allah, their heart becomes attached to the Hereafter. The fear of death fades, for they look forward to meeting Allah, who will reward them with eternal joy. As the Prophet ﷺ said, “A believer is not afraid of death, for it is but a passage to the eternal reward of Allah.” Their longing to meet their Lord brings peace to their hearts, knowing that their efforts in this world will be rewarded in the Hereafter.

9. The World Becomes Insignificant

Those who turn away from sin realize the transience of this world. They view the material aspects of life as fleeting and temporary, and instead, they place their focus on what is eternal – the Hereafter. This shift in perspective allows them to pursue greater goals, those that lead to everlasting success in the sight of Allah.

10. Striving for the Greatest Property: The Hereafter

The true believer understands that the greatest treasure is not material wealth, but the reward of the Hereafter. Abandoning sins is a means of accumulating good deeds, which will be the true measure of success in the life after death. The pursuit of the Hereafter becomes their highest priority, for they know that the reward of Allah is far superior to anything this world can offer.

11. Tasting the Sweetness of Obedience

The sweetness of obedience is a reward that those who abandon sins are able to experience. There is an undeniable peace and satisfaction that comes from following Allah’s commands. The heart becomes filled with joy and contentment when it is in a state of purity, submitting to the Will of Allah.

12. Experiencing the Sweetness of Faith

Abandoning sin leads to the deeper experience of Iman (faith). The more one is free from the weight of sin, the more their faith strengthens and deepens. They begin to taste the sweetness of Iman, feeling a connection with Allah that transcends the worldly distractions that previously clouded their hearts.

13. The Supplication of the Angels Carrying the Throne

In a state of purity and righteousness, the believer becomes the recipient of the supplications of the Angels, including those who carry the Throne of Allah. These noble Angels pray for the forgiveness and mercy of the believer, asking Allah to bless them with guidance, protection, and eternal reward. How great is the blessing of being remembered by the Angels!

14. Happiness of the Two Angels Recording Deeds

The two Angels who record the deeds of every person are pleased when a servant turns away from sin. They observe the efforts of the believer to do good and refrain from evil, and they pray for their success. Their supplications bring additional blessings and mercy from Allah, which multiply the rewards of the believer’s good deeds.

15. Increase in Knowledge, Understanding, and Faith

Abandoning sin leads to a natural increase in knowledge and understanding. As the heart becomes purer, it opens up to the light of Allah’s guidance. The believer is able to gain a deeper understanding of the deen, as their connection to Allah strengthens. This knowledge, paired with the sweetness of faith, leads them to a higher level of spirituality and closeness to Allah.

16. Loving Allah

The ultimate reward for abandoning sin is the love of Allah. The more a person strives to purify themselves by avoiding sinful actions, the more they earn Allah’s love. As Allah says in the Qur’an, “If you love Allah, then follow me, and Allah will love you.” (Qur’an 3:31) The love of Allah is the most precious gift a believer can attain.

17. Longing to Meet Allah and Joy in Repentance

As the believer grows closer to Allah through abandoning sin, they develop a yearning to meet their Creator. Their hearts are filled with joy when they repent, knowing that Allah is most merciful and accepting of repentance. This joy comes from the realization that Allah’s forgiveness is far greater than any sin committed.

18. Unmatched Joy and Happiness from Allah’s Reward

Finally, the happiness and joy that Allah grants to those who abandon sin are beyond any comparison. The pleasure of being in the presence of Allah, the reward for purity and obedience, and the eternal bliss in Jannah (Paradise) cannot even be imagined by those who remain entrapped in sin. As the Prophet ﷺ said, “In Paradise, there is a reward that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no human mind has ever imagined.” (Sahih Muslim)


The blessings and rewards of abandoning sins are numerous and profound. Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله, in his work al-Fawaa’id, reminds us that the path of righteousness is not just about avoiding evil but about striving for the higher purposes of faith and obedience to Allah. The rewards for abandoning sins are not just spiritual but also practical, improving the believer’s relationship with Allah, with others, and with themselves.

Let us strive, with sincerity and determination, to leave behind sinful actions and to purify our hearts. May Allah grant us the strength to abandon sin and to earn His pleasure, love, and ultimate reward in the Hereafter. Ameen.

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