Simplifying Nikah: 6 Ways to Make Muslim Marriage Easy and Stress-Free

Making Nikah Easy: A Guide to a Simple and Islamic Wedding

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1- Simply follow the Sunnah : Marriage in Islam is already easy, alhamdulillaah..ย 

2- Say NO to dowry – Dowry system has no roots in the Islamic traditions. However some Muslims have imitated parts of Indian culture which includes the curse of dowry..

3- Cut down ‘wedding’ cost

If you can’t afford heavy expenses there is no need to go out of way & spend extravagantly in order to show & please people. Some families even go to the extent of borrowing money or taking loans..


4- Say NO to customs and practices that go against the Qur’an & Sunnah. This includes separate functions for Mangni, Haldi, Mehendi, Saachak, Sangeet, Jumaagi, Ratjaga etc.

It makes the process more lengthy, tiring, expensive & difficult.. Moreover, most of these practices include a lot of Haraam actions & innovations..

5- Unwanted expenses

Huge expensive function halls, invitation cards, videography, photography, multiple food dishes and what not..

It is also not mandatory to invite the entire town for your marriage.. We have instances from the life of the companions where the Messenger of Allaah (sallalaho alaihi wa sallaam) himself wasn’t invited to a Nikah.

Nikah and Walima can be conducted in the presence of family members or a limited audience.. It isn’t necessary to invite every single person who invited you to their marriage.. 

It is a personal choice! 

Also, Walima doesn’t have to be grand and lavish.. You can even keep a single dish along with sweets..

6- Band Baja Baraat

This is totally UnIslamic and borrowed from Indian culture.. The groom arriving at the wedding scene on a horse with Baja & Baraat may suit weddings inspired by Bollywood..

But if you’re a Muslim,

Focus on pleasing Allaah and not your desires.. There is no need to follow society blindly just because something is considered fun or a cool thing to do..

Imagine the Imam reading the Khutbatul Haaja while solemnsing your Nikah in which he emphatically states – *Ittaqullaah* (Fear Allaah) 

And then you end up doing exactly the opposite by indulging in Haraam (music, dance, intermingling etc)

We ridicule our own beliefs & values with our actions knowingly & unknowingly, isn’t it?

In this manner and several other ways you can easily get married without any worries, tension, stress & burden..

Islam was revealed as a mercy & has guidance for the entire mankind & therefore covers all aspects of life..The Messenger of Allaah (sallalaho alaihi wa sallaam) practically demonstrated how to live a blessed life as per the commandments of Allaah..

The choice is yours!

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