Two Signs of Intelligence: Learning from Mistakes and Appreciating Correction

Two Key Traits of an Intelligent Person: Learning from Mistakes and Valuing Constructive Criticism

Two signs of an intelligent person

1⃣ They learn from other people’s mistakes 

2⃣ They thank those who correct their mistakes rather than taking them as enemies 

In the biography of ’Abdulghaniy ibn Sa’eed, it is mentioned that ’Abdulghaniy said: 

«لما رددت على أبي عبد الله الحاكم الأوهام التي في ‘المدخل’ بعث إلي يشكرني ويدعو لي، فعلمت أنه رجل عاقل» 

“When I refuted the errors of Abū ’Abdullāh Al-Ḥākim in ‘Al-Madkhal’, he sent me a message to thank and pray for me. This made me realise that he was an intelligent man.”

[سير أعلام النبلاء (١٧/٧٠)]

The poet said:

إذا أفادك إنسان بفائدة من العلوم فلازمْ شكرَه أبدا 

If someone benefits you with knowledge, you must always thank him.  

وقل فلان جزاه الله صالحةً أفادنيها ودعْك الكبرَ والحسدا 

Say, ‘May Allāh reward [him] well; he has benefited me with this knowledge,’ and refrain from pride and envy

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