The Importance of Self-Reflection and Generosity in Islam

A Warning Against Miserliness and the Importance of Spending in the Way of Allah


Abu al-faraj Ibn al-Jawzī (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said:

I wonder at the one who exists and yet cannot understand the meaning of existence! If he does, his actions contravene his understanding for he knows for a fact that his life span is short, yet wastes his life sleeping, seeking worldly pleasures and indulging in idle talk all the while his days should be spent in worship not in idleness.

Though religion ordains that he is to spend ˹part of˺ his wealth going against his innate nature, he decides to be a miser. As soon as he is on his deathbed however, he bequeaths that after he dies, to give away his wealth in charity and do with it such and such! What does he expect this to be although it is unlikely he will enact this?

The reason for the order to spend his wealth ˹for the sake of ALLĀH˺ during his lifetime and while being in a good state of health is to oppose his difficult innate nature that is disposed to collecting wealth and not giving it away!

If you are a person with intellect, you will notice the big difference between the two cases because the one who is content will scrutinise himself and act upon that. He will conclude by his intellect and benefit from time that will come to an end; he will take advantage of his life because its end will be very soon.

Woe to you! What benefit do you find in saving wealth that adds no good deeds to your balance nor will it be a landmark in history.

Have you not heard of the amounts that Abu Bakr (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) gave away in charity as opposed to the miserliness of Tha’labah?

Have you not noticed the effect of praising Ḥātim as opposed to the niggardliness of Al-Ḥabāhib?

Woe to you! If you were to be tested with your wealth, losing some of it; or if you were tested in your health and become sick for one night, you would have complained and yet you still receive what you ask ALLĀH for.

All the while you do not fulfil HIS right upon you. Indeed, your example is like those whom ALLĀH condemned in the verse,

وَیۡلࣱ لِّلۡمُطَفِّفِینَ

Woe to those who give less ˹than due˺. (83:1)

{Taken from: Captured Thoughts || Chapter 303, Page 872-873}

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