Actions Equal to Hajj & Umrah Rewards for Rich & Poor

Actions That Grant Rewards Equal to Hajj and Umrah

Actions Whose Reward is Equal to that of Hajj and Umrah

Many of Allah’s servants are fortunate to be blessed with the opportunity to travel to the House of Allah (Baitullah). They are indeed very fortunate people. However, there are also those who long to visit the sacred places, weep, and pray to Allah, gather some money, and make all possible efforts, but when faced with Allah’s will, the will of anyone else becomes insignificant. Only those whom Allah calls to His House can visit it, and no one has control over this. Even with money, man remains helpless in front of Allah’s will. Many people, due to poverty and deprivation, do not get the opportunity to perform Hajj and visit the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Sometimes, the poor and needy become distressed, thinking that if Allah had granted them wealth, they too would have performed Hajj, people would have called them “Haji,” and they would have gained fame. To such people, I advise that Hajj is not a means of fame or popularity. If a wealthy person performs Hajj for the sake of fame, it would be better for them to have been poor and not have had the opportunity to perform Hajj, because fame and popularity in worship lead to the destruction of deeds and can cause one to be led astray. Yes, those who perform Hajj for the sake of Allah’s pleasure are Allah’s beloved servants. Similarly, those poor and needy people who wish to perform Hajj but are unable due to their poverty should not despair of Allah’s mercy. Allah has prohibited His servants from losing hope. The Most Wise and Just has treated everyone equally in this matter. If someone is blessed with wealth, they will be asked on the Day of Judgment how they earned their money and how they spent it. This will be a very difficult question. For those whom Allah has not blessed with wealth, ease awaits them in the Hereafter, because the trial of wealth is very difficult. Both wealth and poverty contain Allah’s wisdom.

Let us now look at how Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, has treated everyone equally in the matter of Hajj and Umrah. He has informed us through His beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about certain actions that, while appearing simple, carry the same reward as Hajj and Umrah in the scales. Below are some of the actions mentioned in the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him), which offer the same reward as performing Hajj and Umrah for both the rich and the poor.

  1. Staying in the mosque after Fajr prayer until the sun rises, then offering two Rak’ahs: Anas ibn Malik (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “من صلى الغداة في جماعة، ثم قعد يذكر الله حتى تطلع الشمس، ثم صلى ركعتين كانت له كأجر حجة وعمرة تامة تامة تامة”
    Sahih al-Tirmidhi: 586
    Translation: “Whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation and then remains engaged in the remembrance of Allah until the sun rises and then prays two Rak’ahs, will receive the reward of a complete Hajj and Umrah.”

    This hadith, with slight variation in wording, also comes as:
    “من صلَّى صلاةَ الصبحِ في جماعةٍ، ثم ثبت حتى يسبحَ للهِ سُبحةَ الضُّحى، كان له كأجرِ حاجٍّ و معتمرٍ، تامًّا له حجتُه و عمرتُه”
    Sahih al-Targhib: 469
    Translation: “Whoever prays the Fajr prayer in congregation and remains until they perform the Duha (forenoon) prayer, will receive the reward of a complete Hajj and complete Umrah.”
  2. Going to the mosque for congregational prayer and for voluntary prayers: Abu Umama (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “من مشي إلى صلاة مكتوبة في الجماعة فهى كحجة، ومن مشي إلى صلاة تطوعـ في رواية أبي داود ـ أي صلاة الضحى ـ فهي كعمرة تامة”
    Sahih al-Jami: 6556
    Translation: “Whoever walks to a congregational prayer (obligatory) will receive the reward of Hajj, and whoever walks to a voluntary prayer (like Duha prayer) will receive the reward of a complete Umrah.”
  3. Attending religious gatherings in the mosque: The Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “من غدا إلى المسجد لا يريد إلا أن يتعلم خيراً أو يُعَلِّمه، كان له كأجر حاج تاماً حجته”
    Sahih al-Targhib: 86
    Translation: “Whoever goes to the mosque with the intention of learning or teaching good (knowledge) will receive the reward of a complete Hajj.”
  4. Engaging in remembrance (Dhikr) after prayers: Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated:
    “جاء الفقراء إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالوا: ذهب أهل الدثور بالدرجات العُلى والنعيم المقيم، يصلون كما نصلي ويصومون كما نصوم، ولهم فَضْلٌ من أموال يحجون بها ويعتمرون ويجاهدون ويتصدقون، قال: ألا أحدثكم بأمر إن أخذتم به أدركتم من سبقكم ولم يدرككم أحد بعدكم، وكنتم خير من أنتم بين ظهرانيه إلا من عمل مثله: تسبحون وتحمدون وتكبرون خلف كل صلاة ثلاثاً وثلاثين”
    Sahih al-Bukhari: 843
    Translation: “Some poor people came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: ‘The rich have taken away the high ranks and everlasting blessings. They pray as we pray, and fast as we fast, but they have the advantage of their wealth, with which they perform Hajj, Umrah, Jihad, and give charity.’ The Prophet (PBUH) replied: ‘Shall I not inform you of something that if you do, you will surpass those who came before you, and none after you will surpass you? You will be the best among those around you, except for those who do the same: Say SubhanAllah thirty-three times, Alhamdulillah thirty-three times, and Allahu Akbar thirty-three times after every prayer.'”
  5. Performing Umrah in Ramadan: Performing Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to the reward of Hajj. The Prophet (PBUH) told an Ansari woman:
    “فإذا جاء رمضانُ فاعتمِري. فإنَّ عُمرةً فيه تعدِلُ حجَّةً”
    Sahih Muslim: 1256
    Translation: “When Ramadan arrives, perform Umrah, for an Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to a Hajj.”
  6. Being kind to parents: Anas ibn Malik (RA) narrated:
    “أن رجلاً جاء إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وقال: إني أشتهي الجهاد ولا أقدر عليه، قال: هل بقي من والديك أحد؟ قال: أمي، قال: قابل الله في برها، فإن فعلت فأنت حاج ومعتمر ومجاهد”
    Translation: “A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: ‘I desire to participate in Jihad but I am unable.’ The Prophet (PBUH) asked: ‘Do you have any living parents?’ He replied: ‘My mother is alive.’ The Prophet (PBUH) then said: ‘Take care of her, and if you do, you will be considered a Haji, a Mu’tamir (one who performs Umrah), and a Mujahid.'”
  7. Praying in Masjid Quba: Whoever visits Masjid Quba in Medina and prays there will receive the reward of an Umrah. The Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “من تطَهَّرَ في بيتِهِ , ثمَّ أتى مسجدَ قباءٍ ، فصلَّى فيهِ صلاةً ، كانَ لَهُ كأجرِ عمرةٍ”
    Sahih Ibn Majah: 1168
    Translation: “Whoever purifies themselves in their home, then comes to Masjid Quba and prays there, will receive the reward of Umrah.”
  8. Preparing travel supplies for a Haji or helping their family: The Prophet (PBUH) said:
    “من جهَّز غازيًا ، أو جهزحاجًّا ، أوخلَفه في أهلِه ، أوفطَّر صائمًا ؛ كان له مثلُ أجورِهم ، من غير أن ينقصَ من أجورِهم شيءٌ”
    Sahih al-Targhib: 1078
    Translation: “Whoever prepares the travel supplies for a fighter (in the way of Allah) or a Haji, or looks after their family, or provides Iftar (for a fasting person), will receive the same reward as they do, without any reduction in their rewards.”

Weak and Fabricated Narrations Regarding Rewards Equal to Hajj and Umrah

Dear readers, know that all the hadiths I have mentioned above are authentic, and one can act upon them with the hope of receiving rewards equal to Hajj and Umrah from Allah. Also, it is important to note that there are many other narrations regarding rewards equal to Hajj and Umrah, which are either weak (da’if) or fabricated (mawdu’), and due to brevity, I will not mention them here. However, I will point out a few such narrations, such as:

  • Offering the obligatory prayer in the Friday mosque is equal to a Hajj Mabrur, and offering a voluntary prayer is equal to a Hajj Maqbul.
  • Praying in the Masjid Nabawi is equal to Hajj.
  • Visiting the grave of one’s mother is equal to Umrah.
  • Performing I’tikaf for ten days in Ramadan is equal to two Hajj and two Umrah.
  • One who cleans the mosque will receive the reward of four hundred Hajj.
  • One who recites Tasbih one hundred times in the morning and evening will get the reward of one hundred Hajj.
  • Helping one’s brother will earn the reward of Hajj and Umrah.
  • Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if they performed fifty Hajj with Prophet Adam (peace be upon him).
  • When the Day of Arafah coincides with Friday, it is superior to seventy Hajj.
  • The reward for walking pilgrims is equal to seventy Hajj, and for those traveling by ride, it is thirty Hajj.
  • A moment spent in Allah’s path is more valuable than fifty or seventy Hajj.
  • Visiting the graves of the Ahl al-Bayt (family of the Prophet) has the reward of seventy Hajj.
  • Looking at the faces of one’s parents with mercy is equal to the reward of a Maqbul Hajj and Mabrur Hajj.
  • Reciting Surah Al-Hajj brings rewards equal to the number of pilgrims performing Hajj.
  • Performing four rak’ahs after Maghrib is equal to the reward of Hajj.
  • Whoever dies on the way to Hajj will receive the reward of Hajj every year.
  • Whoever recites Surah Ya-Sin receives the reward of twenty Hajj.
  • Whoever prays Maghrib in congregation receives the reward of a Mabrur Hajj and a Maqbul Umrah.

There are many other narrations like these, some of which are weak and others fabricated.

اللهم من وفقتهم لأداء الحج والعمرة تقبل عباداتهم، ومن لم توفقهم لأداء الحج والعمرة فامنحهم ثوابها كاملًا. آمين

O Allah! Accept the worship of those whom You have granted the opportunity of Hajj and Umrah, and bestow the full reward of it upon those who have not been granted the opportunity of Hajj and Umrah. Ameen.

Maqbool Ahmad Salafi
Islamic Dawah Center Taif


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