Guidelines for Performing Shortened Prayers During Travel and Residency Rules

Understanding Shortened Prayers: Duration of Travel and Residency Rules

Question: When we travel, we perform shortened prayers, two instead of four. However, for Maghrib, we still perform three. If we travel somewhere and stay for a few days before returning home, how many days should we stay to continue performing shortened prayers? One day, two days, three days, or more? And how long should the minimum travel distance be?

Answer: A person performs shortened prayers while traveling, but once they return home, they are no longer considered a traveler and are now a resident. Therefore, from the first day of being at home, they should perform full prayers.  

The minimum travel distance is 80 kilometers or more. If you plan to stay somewhere for four days or less, you are considered a traveler, and if the stay is longer than four days, you are considered a resident.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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