How to Overcome Distractions in Prayer and Achieve Focus and Khushu

Guidance for Overcoming Prayer Distractions and Attaining Khushu and Khudu

Question: When I perform prayer, my mind gets distracted so much that I forget the entire prayer. There is not a single prayer in which I don’t have to perform Sujood as-Sahw. I even forget which Surah I recited, how many prostrations I made, whether I completed the obligatory parts, or whether I performed Ruku or not. I forget the prayer to this extent. I try hard to offer prayer correctly, but I can’t. My mind doesn’t stay focused in prayer, and I fear that perhaps my prayer is not being accepted or that Allah is displeased with me. Sometimes, I wonder what the benefit is of praying if it might not be accepted, and this leads to more doubts, making me anxious. I also have a few life problems that cause me distress. Please make dua for me and guide me correctly.  

Answer: There are various reasons why one’s mind gets distracted during prayer, with life problems being a major cause. Another reason is performing prayer without Khushu (humility) and Khudu (submissiveness).  

Firstly, you must try to resolve your personal issues and not give them so much importance that they occupy your mind even during prayer.  

Secondly, learn the causes of achieving Khushu and Khudu in prayer and make an effort to perform prayer accordingly. Insha’Allah, your prayer will improve.  

When you engage in worldly activities, such as cooking, you do so with great attention. While cooking, you are mindful of what to add and in what quantity to ensure good taste. I believe you never spoil a dish. When you can focus on worldly matters, why is it different when it comes to worship? Reflect on this and correct your mistakes. Also, ask Allah for guidance in correcting yourself.  

It is normal for thoughts to come during prayer, but constantly forgetting what you recited, whether you performed Sajdah or Ruku, or completed certain parts, is a serious issue that requires urgent correction. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Worship Allah as though you see Him, and if you do not see Him, know that He sees you.” Perform your prayers with this realization, improve your environment and companions, avoid sinful acts, incline towards righteous deeds, and study the meanings of the adhkar and duas of prayer from books. Improvement will come, Insha’Allah.  

Additionally, there are important writings about attaining Khushu and Khudu in prayer by scholars like Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-Munajjid, which you can read in the Kitab wa Sunnah library.

Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center, Hai Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail 


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