6 Authentic Forms of Dhikr After Prayer (Ṣalāh) in Islam

Forms of Dhikr After Ṣalāh: A Guide to Post-Prayer Supplications

This chart lists 6 combinations of tasbeeḥ that can be said after Ṣalāh. 

1⃣ Form One

SubḥānAllāh 33 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 33 times  

Allāhu Akbar 33 times  

Then say:

“Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, lahul-mulku walahul-ḥamdu wa huwa ’alā kulli shay’in qadeer” once.

[Reported by Muslim (597) on the authority of Abū Hurairah]

2⃣ Form Two

SubḥānAllāh 33 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 33 times  

Allāhu Akbar 34 times  

[Reported by Muslim (596) on the authority of Ka’b ibn ’Ujrah] 

3⃣Form Three

SubḥānAllāh 33 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 33 times  

Allāhu Akbar 33 times  

[Reported by Bukhāri (843) & Muslim (595) on the authority of Abū Hurairah; this wording belongs to Muslim] 

4⃣ Form Four

SubḥānAllāh 10 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 10 times  

Allāhu Akbar 10 times  

[Reported by Abū Dāwūd (5065) on the authority of ’Abdullāh ibn ’Amr; graded ‘Ṣaḥīḥ’ by Sheikh Albāni in ‘Al-Kalim Aṭ-Ṭayyib 113]

5⃣ Form Five

SubḥānAllāh 11 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 11 times  

Allāhu Akbar 11 times  

[Reported by Muslim (595) on the authority of Abū Hurairah]

🔺 NOTE: The scholars differed regarding this particular form, and it seems that it is not a distinct form on its own. Suhail ibn Abī Ṣāliḥ Dhakwān As-Sammān (one of the subnarrators) intended to explain the method of counting thirty-three repetitions, mistakenly believing that this count applied collectively to all three forms of dhikr. However, the correct understanding is that each form of dhikr— (SubḥanAllāh), (Alḥamdulillāh), and (Allāhu Akbar)—should be repeated thirty-three times each after each prayer. Thus, the total would be ninety-nine, not thirty-three! 

6⃣ Form Six

SubḥānAllāh 25 times  

Alḥamdulillāh 25 times  

Allāhu Akbar 25 times  

Then say:  

 “Lā ilāha illallāh” 25 times.

[Reported by An-Nasā’ee (1350) on the authority of Zaid ibn Thābit; graded ‘Ṣaḥīḥ’ By Sheikh Albāni in Ṣaḥīḥ An-Nasā’ee]


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