Does Eating After Wudu Require Rinsing the Mouth or Performing Wudu Again?

Is It Necessary to Rinse Your Mouth After Eating if You’ve Performed Wudu?

Question: If one eats something after performing Wudu (ablution), is it necessary to rinse the mouth, or can one pray without rinsing?

Answer: If you eat something after performing Wudu, it is not necessary to perform Wudu again or rinse your mouth. However, if there is something in your mouth, it should be washed off. If you feel food particles in your teeth or mouth, it is better to drink water or rinse your mouth to clean it, as having particles in your mouth can distract you during prayer. If there is nothing in your mouth, then there is no need to drink water or rinse. It is also important to note that eating camel meat invalidates Wudu.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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