Does Chronic Gas or Constipation Require Repeated Wudu During Prayer?

Is Repeated Wudu Necessary for Chronic Gas or Constipation During Prayer?

Question: If due to constipation or gas, a person repeatedly breaks their wudu (ablution) during a single prayer, is it necessary to perform wudu each time, or will one wudu suffice for the prayer?

Answer: If someone has a chronic problem of passing wind due to constipation or gas, they should perform wudu once at the time of each prayer, and that wudu will be sufficient for all the prayers of that time. There is no need to perform wudu repeatedly. However, for the next prayer time, they should perform a new wudu for all the prayers of that time.

This ruling applies to those who have a chronic issue with passing wind. If it is not a chronic condition and happens occasionally, then they must perform wudu again each time they pass wind.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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