Reciting Quran Without Wudu: Rules and Guidelines

Can You Recite Quran Without Wudu? Understanding the Islamic Rulings

Q: What are the rules for wudu during Quran recitation? If wudu breaks during recitation, do I need to perform wudu immediately?

A: Wudu (ablution) is not necessary for Quran recitation. You can recite the Quran without wudu, and even a woman in her menstrual cycle can recite the Quran in a state of impurity. I have shared a detailed article on this topic in this group. If a woman in her menstrual cycle can recite, then there is no issue with reciting without wudu. If you recite with wudu, it is preferred but not a necessary act. If your wudu breaks during recitation, there is no problem; you can continue your recitation.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi, may Allah protect him ⟨Jeddah Dawah Center – Saudi Arabia⟩

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