The Qur’ān: The Best Statement of Allāh – A Deep Reflection

Understanding the Qur’ān: Reiteration and Eloquence in Divine Wisdom


ALLĀH says,

ٱللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحۡسَنَ ٱلۡحَدِيثِ كِتَٰبًا مُّتَشَٰبِهًا مَّثَانِىَ
ALLĀH has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration.

Here ALLĀH speaks of HIS Book that HE sent down, telling us that it is “the best statement” that is, the best of all messages. The best of speech is the word of ALLĀH, and the best of the divinely revealed Books is this Qur’an. As it is the best, thus it is known that its wordings are the most eloquent and clear, and its meanings are the most sublime, because it is the best of messages in its wording and meaning; it is consistent and harmonious in its beauty and is not contradictory in any way whatsoever, to the point that the more a person reflects on it and ponders it, he will see of its harmonious nature – even in some of its ambiguous verses – that which would dazzle those who reflect, and he will be certain that it can only have come from One Who is Most Wise, All-Knowing.

“wherein is reiteration” that is, its stories and rulings, and the descriptions of good people and evil people, are repeated, and the names and attributes of ALLĀH are repeated in it. This is a manifestation of its majestic and beautiful nature, for ALLĀH knows how much people need its meanings and ideas to purify their hearts and perfect their character. These meanings and ideas are, for people’s hearts, like water for trees; the less frequently trees are watered, the more they are damaged and they may even be destroyed, but the more frequently they are watered, the better they are and the more beneficial fruit they may bear. In like manner, the heart constantly needs to be reminded of the meanings and ideas in the word of ALLĀH, but if a certain concept were to be mentioned only one time in the entire Qur’an, it would not have a strong impact and would not lead to any results.

Hence in this commentary I have followed the same methodology, emulating the example of that on which it is a commentary. You will not find instructions to go back and check something that has already been discussed; rather every time a concept is mentioned, you will find it explained in full detail, without taking into account previous discussions of similar concepts, even though in some places the idea may be discussed in greater detail than others, pointing to more benefits. Similarly, the reader of the Qur’ān should reflect on its meanings and should not omit to reflect on the meanings of all verses, (even if the meaning is repeated), because that is a means of attaining much good and many benefits.

{Tafsi‌r As-Sa’di}


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