Managing Extra Copies of the Quran: Donation and Storage Guidelines

What to Do with Unused Qurans: A Guide to Donation and Storage

Question: We have three Qur’ans in our house, but we only use two for our recitation and memorization. The third one remains unused. Is it necessary to donate it to a mosque? Also, is it appropriate to keep a Qur’an from a relative when we already have enough for our needs?

Answer: Consider how many people are in your household and how many of them read the Qur’an. Based on that, you can decide the number of Qur’ans you need. If you believe two Qur’ans are sufficient, and the third one remains unused, it is better to gift it to someone for reading or donate it to a mosque. Similarly, if you have enough Qur’ans for your needs, you should not take additional ones from others. Instead, ask them to donate it to someone in need or to a mosque or madrasa. The key is to keep only what is necessary for your household.

Response by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Da’wah Center, Hai Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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