Pregnancy and Prayer: Ablution or Bath? – Islamic Guidance

Bleeding During Pregnancy: What to Do Before Praying?

Question: If bleeding starts during pregnancy, is it sufficient to perform ablution (wudu) and pray, or is it necessary to take a bath (ghusl) before praying?
Answer: Generally, bleeding does not occur during pregnancy, but sometimes, for various reasons, a pregnant woman may experience bleeding. Since this blood is neither menstrual (hayd) nor postpartum (nifas), there is no need for a bath. Instead, the woman should first clean her clothes and the blood-stained area, then perform ablution and offer her prayer.
✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi حفظه اللہ
❪جــــــده دعـــــوه سنتر- السلامــــة- المملڪــــــة العربيـــــة السعوديــــــة

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