The Power of Du’a at Tahajjud: A Miraculous Story of Faith and Allah’s Mercy

How Du’a at Tahajjud Transforms Lives: The Story of a Woman’s Miracle in Damascus

In the stillness of the night, when the world is immersed in deep sleep, there exists a special moment of connection between a servant and their Creator. This is the time of Tahajjud – the night prayer that carries immense rewards and is filled with boundless mercy from Allah. The power of Du’a made during this sacred time is unparalleled, and its impact can transform lives in ways that are beyond comprehension. One of the most inspiring stories that highlights the immense power of Tahajjud and sincere supplication is that of a woman in Damascus, whose deep faith and trust in Allah brought about a miraculous change in her life.

The Miraculous Du’a of a Woman in Damascus

There was a woman in Damascus who, despite being completely illiterate and unable to read or write, had a burning desire to memorize the Qur’an. This woman did not have access to the formal means of education that many of us take for granted. She was not part of any institution or school where she could study the Qur’an. But her heart was filled with a longing for the Book of Allah, and she believed in the limitless power of Du’a and in the mercy of her Creator.

Every night, while the world slept, she would wake up in the darkness of the night for Tahajjud. In her heartfelt prayers, she would tearfully call out to Allah, saying, “O Allah, allow me to memorize the Qur’an one day!” The sincerity in her request was pure; she was not asking for wealth, status, or any worldly gain. Instead, her heart yearned only for the Qur’an. This woman recognized the great value of the Qur’an and the honor of being one of those who memorized it. She knew that the Qur’an is a guide for life and a source of peace, and she wanted to carry it within her heart, despite her inability to read or write.

What is truly awe-inspiring is that Allah, in His infinite mercy, answered her Du’a in a way that no one could have imagined. One night, after waking up for Tahajjud and making her heartfelt Du’a, she fell asleep, exhausted but trusting in the mercy of Allah. When she woke up the next morning, something miraculous had happened. Allah had placed the entire Qur’an in her heart. She was able to recite every verse, every chapter, hundreds of pages, and over 6,000 verses from memory. The Du’a that she made in the depth of the night, with sincerity and faith, was answered by the One who holds the power over everything in the heavens and the earth.

This story is a powerful reminder of the effect that Du’a at Tahajjud can have. The Du’a in the middle of the night, especially in the last third of the night, is likened to arrows that never miss their target. The hearts that call upon Allah with pure sincerity during these moments are answered by the Most Merciful, the All-Knowing, and the Most Generous.

The Special Nature of Du’a in the Last Third of the Night

The significance of Tahajjud and Du’a in the last third of the night is clearly emphasized in the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). The Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) told us that Allah descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night and calls out to His servants, saying:

“Who is calling upon Me so that I may answer him? Who is asking Me so that I may give him? Who is seeking forgiveness so that I may forgive him?”

The beauty of this moment is that Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, invites His servants to ask for whatever they wish. He asks who is in need, who is seeking forgiveness, who is asking for His mercy, and who is calling upon Him to grant their requests. There is no barrier, no gate, and no obstruction between the servant and their Lord during this time. This is a time when Allah’s mercy is abundant, and His generosity knows no limits.

When you wake up in the dead of night, when the world is asleep and the streets are empty, and you raise your hands in Du’a to the One who is always near, your supplications are like arrows that hit their target with precision. Imagine the power of these Du’as especially during Ramadan, when the nights are full of blessings, and the mercy of Allah is flowing more abundantly. What more could a servant of Allah ask for than to have their prayers answered at a time of such divine mercy?

The Generosity of Allah: A Love That Knows No Bounds

In the depth of the night, when you call upon Allah, you are not just calling out to any being. You are calling upon the Most Generous, the King of the heavens and the earth, the One who has everything in His control. Imagine calling out to a generous person who has the power to grant you anything you desire. Surely, they would have mercy on you and open their doors for you. But what do you think of the mercy of Allah, the Creator of all that exists, the One whose giving has no limit?

Allah is the source of all blessings. When you make Du’a at night, you are addressing the One who knows your struggles, your pain, your fears, and your hopes. He knows the hidden desires in your heart, the things you are too shy to speak about, and the longings that no one else knows. And it is this Lord who invites you to call upon Him. In fact, Allah closes the doors of the world on you at times, not because He is distant, but because He wants you to turn to Him. He wants you to know that His door is always open, and the moment you seek His mercy, you are embraced by it.

Trusting in Allah’s Plan

To trust in Allah is to surrender your heart to Him completely, knowing that He knows what is best for you even when things seem unclear. Just as a child trusts their mother, even when they do not call out, knowing that their mother is always watching over them and caring for them, we must trust in Allah with the same certainty. Even when the world seems dark and you are surrounded by difficulties, Allah knows your condition and is looking after you. His plan is always better than ours, and the mercy He has for His servants is beyond our comprehension.

The woman from Damascus, who woke up every night asking Allah for the Qur’an, exemplified this trust and faith. She did not know how or when her Du’a would be answered, but she trusted Allah completely. And Allah, in His infinite mercy, responded to her with a miracle. This story is not just about a woman’s Du’a being answered; it is a reminder for us all that no Du’a is too small or too big for Allah to answer. He is capable of turning the impossible into the possible, and He does so for those who sincerely call upon Him.

The Importance of Gratitude and Perseverance

While making Du’a, it is essential to remain filled with gratitude and patience. Allah promises to increase the rewards for those who are grateful (shākirīn). Do not give up on your Du’a, and never allow despair to enter your heart. Allah’s timing is perfect, and no matter how long it takes, trust that He will answer your prayers when the time is right. No regret can change the past, and no guilt can turn back time, but faith and trust in Allah’s plan will always guide you forward.


The power of Du’a, especially during the blessed hours of Tahajjud, is undeniable. Allah has promised to answer the Du’as of His servants, and the story of the woman from Damascus is a testament to this divine promise. Her unwavering faith, sincerity, and trust in Allah’s mercy led to a miraculous transformation in her life. As we approach the nights of Ramadan and beyond, let us remember the power of Du’a and turn to Allah with hearts full of gratitude and hope. Allah is always near, ready to answer, forgive, and grant our wishes. Never underestimate the impact of your Du’a, for it is a means by which Allah can change your life in ways you never imagined.

May Allah accept our Du’as, forgive our shortcomings, and guide us to the path of righteousness. Ameen.


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