Sheikh Jarjees Siraji’s Release: A Triumph for Justice and Patience
Release of Sheikh Jarjees Siraji Hafizahullah
Alhamdulillah, Sheikh Jarjees Siraji Hafizahullah, a renowned preacher and scholar of the Ahl al-Hadith community, has been granted bail by the High Court, and very soon, he will be free from the prison bars. The days Sheikh spent in jail were not only painful for him but even more so for his family, his parents, his wife and children, and his supporters.
In the meantime, it was reported that the news of Sheikh’s imprisonment had a profound impact on the health of his respected father, Hafiz Ilyas Hafizahullah, who remained bedridden for months. Nevertheless, Sheikh’s entire family faced these trials with patience and tranquility while continuing to fight the legal battle.
It is unfortunate that despite the extremely serious and sectarian environment towards Muslims in India, there were circles that rejoiced at Sheikh’s imprisonment, distributed sweets, and used his hardship to support their false beliefs. There can be nothing more distressing than this. Today, with the release of Sheikh, all those who celebrated his suffering are now left disillusioned, and today has become a day of disgrace for them, Alhamdulillah.
We hope that soon the charges against Sheikh will be fully exposed, and he will be honorably acquitted from this entire case, while those who conspired against him will meet their end.
At this point, I also find it necessary to clarify that during this difficult time for Sheikh, some of his own people did not show good reactions. Even in this challenging moment, some continued to mock and criticize him. Who in this world can be in complete agreement with all the words and actions of another? If anyone had any disagreements with Sheikh’s actions, position, or statements, this difficult time was certainly not the right occasion to express them.
May Allah reward Sheikh Junaid Makki Hafizahullah and his talented nephew, Sheikh Abdullah Saud Usmani Advocate Hafizahullah, who, despite receiving discouraging responses from all sides regarding Sheikh Jarjees’s case, continued to fight the legal battle with determination, safeguarding the honor and dignity of the scholar to the best of their ability. Today, Alhamdulillah, their efforts have borne fruit, and the release of Sheikh Jarjees has become a reality.
From a communal perspective, the case of Sheikh Jarjees is a lesson for all scholars, callers, and preachers. In this age of social media, using a woman as a tool to entrap a scholar, defaming him in public, and ruining his calling career is not a difficult task. This case serves as a major warning to all scholars and preachers to stay as far away from these trials as possible, to avoid the plots and deceptions of enemies, as in legal matters, neither the crowd of selfie-takers nor those who repeatedly chant “Mashallah” and “Subhanallah” will prove to be of any help.
We ask Allah, the Most Merciful, to protect the honor, reputation, lives, and wealth of all scholars of truth, to safeguard them from the trials of this age, from the envy of the envious, and from the harm of the Iblis and their evils. Ameen.
Written by Shaikh Abdul Ghaffar Salafi(Hafizahullah)
English Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail