21 Essential Money Lessons to Teach Your Daughter and Sisters

Empowering Women: 21 Things to Tell Your Daughter and Sisters About Money


1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the way any man can make it and even more.

2: Tell her to step into the FIELD, not the BED to make money. Money from the field comes with dignity, money from the Bed comes with STD and it’s a major sin.

3: Let your daughter know that she needs to trade her brain, not her private parts to make money.

4: Train your daughter never to pray to MUST marry only a rich man, but to work to become a rich girl or marry someone that they can both work to be rich. 

5: Train your daughter never to pray to marry only an influential person, marriage is not a competition or public show. 

6: Train your daughter that the instrument of money making is under the Hat NOT under the skirt and to understand that money is not everything in life but rather contentment!

7: Train your Daughter never to Man-hunt but to focus on her character and modesty and she will become the focus of many Men.

8: Train your daughter that no man can love her like God, so she must never trade her relationship with God for a relationship with any Man.

9: Train your daughter that the internet never forgets or forgives, let her know that the foolish post she makes on the internet can depose her from her position tomorrow and make her lose the right suitor for her. 

10: Tell your daughter that time waits for no man, if she wastes her time with a foolish man, she will wake up one day to discover that it is nighttime and dating remains a sin before God even if everyone is doing it. 

11: Tell your daughter that life gives back what you give into it, wickedness will be fully repaid.

12: Tell your daughter that beauty is not in exposing nakedness, it is dressing to look like a Queen because beautiful things are always hidden and hard to get. 

13: Tell your daughter that she is a princess and not a prostitute, tell her to dress to prove who she is and not to portray cheapness with naked dressing. 

14: Tell your daughter that it is a great wickedness and a great sin to sleep with the husband of another Woman or with a man you’re not married to. 

15: Let her know that men do not love her truly if she always dresses sexily, they only see her as an available sex toy to satisfy the animal in them. Your dressing defines who you are! 

16: Let your daughter know that the best friend she can keep is God, He can not disappoint her and should never trade her eeman (faith) for anything! 

17: Let your daughter know that beauty without a brain and good character makes one becomes a liability in the hands of playboys. 

18: Teach your daughter to believe in herself because she is capable of doing whatever she believes she can do and never to believe that she can’t succeed without sleeping around! 

19: Teach your daughter never to think that wealth is sexually transmitted. Sleeping with wealthy men will only make her a whore not wealthy and worst, a great sinner! 

20: Tell your daughter good look does not make a man a good Man. He can have 6 PACKS and be a PACK of trouble. It’s all about character and good relationship with Allah. 

21: Teach your daughter never to be a “Run girl” because run girls normally RUN into trouble. Protect your dignity and avoiding sleeping around for money or iPhone!

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