Reciting the Qur’an During Menstruation: Guidelines for Women

Can Women Recite the Qur’an During Menstruation? Insights and Guidelines

Question: A sister asks if she can continue her daily recitation of the Qur’an through a mobile app during her menstrual period or recite Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays?

Answer: A woman is permitted to recite the Qur’an during her menstrual period. Therefore, if a sister has the habit of daily recitation, she can continue to recite using a mobile app without hesitation during her menstruation and may also recite Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays. In fact, it is preferable for her to recite from a mobile app rather than from the mushaf (physical copy of the Qur’an) as this avoids directly touching the mushaf. The Qur’anic app on the mobile does not have the same rulings as the mushaf. However, if a woman needs to use the mushaf (such as students or teachers), she may do so by wearing gloves. For a detailed explanation on this topic, you can refer to my article “Reciting the Qur’an During Menstruation.”

Respondent: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafizahullah 

Jeddah Dawah Center, Saudi Arabia  

Interpreter: Hasan Fuzail


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