How to Perform Ritual Bath for a Deceased Woman in Menstruation
Question: If a woman dies while in her menstrual period, how should she be given a ritual bath (Ghusl), and should a pad be used?
Answer: The method of giving a ritual bath (Ghusl) to a woman who dies while in her menstrual period is the same as for any other woman; there is no difference. During the cleansing process, any blood should be thoroughly cleaned.
It is important to note that after a woman’s death, blood generally does not continue to flow, which is something that happens only in living women. However, if blood is observed flowing from a deceased woman after giving her Ghusl, a bandage or pad can be used to stop the blood. If there is no blood flow, then there is no need to use a pad or bandage.
Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi Hafidhahullah
Jeddah Da’wah Center.