The Ruling on Reading Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s Books and the Importance of Following the Quran

Is it Permissible to Read Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s Translation of the Quran and Other Books?

Question: What is the ruling on reading the translation of the Quran by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, and can his other books be read? Is it necessary to follow an Imam?

Answer: Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi was a Deobandi scholar, and every Deobandi is a follower (Muqallid), even if they are a scholar. This means that being a scholar does not benefit a Muqallid, as they follow the sayings of an Imam.

There are issues with Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s beliefs. He was an advocate and practitioner of Sufism, and he even wrote a book on it. It should be noted that Sufism is considered ignorance and irreligion.

If you pick up just one of Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s books, “Bahishti Zewar,” you will see how much filth, impurity, and Shariah-opposing content is written in it.

My advice to you is not to study Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s “Bayan-ul-Quran” or his other books. Every moment of life is precious, and it should be spent in acquiring correct knowledge. Alhamdulillah, there are so many Tafsirs (exegeses) of the Salafi methodology that you will not be able to read all of them in your lifetime. So why waste time on non-Salafi Tafsirs that contain incorrect beliefs along with their thoughts and ideologies?

You also asked whether it is necessary to follow an Imam. The answer is that following an Imam is not a requirement in Islam. Allah revealed the Quran to Muhammad (peace be upon him), and this Quran is our religion, which was sent down from the heavens. Muhammad (peace be upon him) preached this Quran. This Quran is our constitution of life, so we will not follow any Imam but will obey and follow Allah and His Messenger. Allah has commanded in numerous places in the Quran to obey Allah and His Messenger. The only person whose example we are to follow is Muhammad (peace be upon him). No other scholar besides Muhammad (peace be upon him) is an example for us.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia❫

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