Do Children in Madrasas Experience More Disturbance from Jinn?

Understanding the Relationship Between Madrasa Education and Jinn Disturbance in Children

Question: Do children who go to madrasas to memorize the Quran get more disturbed by devils?

Answer: No, there is no such thing that children studying in madrasas are more disturbed by jinn. There is no truth to such claims. If people in your area say this, it is their opinion, and many false stories about jinn and devils circulate in society. We should not pay attention to these stories.

We should strive to be pious and worshipful ourselves, provide religious education to our children, encourage them to pray, and keep our homes clean from impurities so that Allah’s mercy continues to descend upon our homes and family members. Trust in Allah; no jinn can harm us if we are faithful and perform good deeds.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi

❪Jeddah Dawah Center – Al-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia❫

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