The Superiority of Knowledge over Wealth: A Timeless Advice from ‘Ali رضي الله عنه

Why Tullab Al-‘ilm Should Prioritize Knowledge over Worldly Wealth

Advice For Tullab Al-‘ilm:

Some Tullab Al-‘ilm lose motivation to seek knowledge because of the luxuries they see being enjoyed by certain personalities on social media. They have enough to get by, but the 6 figure lifestyle being promoted by these influencers is sometimes too tempting to ignore. As a result, we find many Tullab abandon pursuing knowledge entirely, or doing so with less diligence, opting instead to chase after worldly wealth.

In light of this, I would like to share a brief comparison between knowledge and wealth, drawing from the advice given by ‘Ali رضي الله عنه to Kumail ibn Ziyād An-Nakha’ee.

‘Ali رضي الله عنه said:

العلمُ خيرٌ من المالِ

Knowledge is superior to wealth.

العلمُ يَحرسُك وأنت تَحرُسُ المالَ

Knowledge protects you, whereas you must protect wealth. 

والعِلمُ يزكو على الإنفاقِ والمالُ تَنقُصُه النفقةُ

Knowledge grows when it is shared,

while wealth diminishes when spent. 

ومَنفعَةُ المالِ تزولُ بزوالِه

The benefits of wealth disappear when it is gone (unlike knowledge). 

محبةُ العالمِ دينٌ يُدانُ بها

Loving a scholar is an act of worship by which a person draws closer to Allāh (unlike loving a rich man) 

 العلم يُكسِبُ العالمَ الطاعةَ لربِّه في حياتِه، وجميلَ الأُحدوثةِ بعدَ وفاتِه، وصَنيعةُ المالِ تزولُ بزوالِه، 

knowledge leads a scholar to be obedient to his Lord during his lifetime and lands him a good reputation after his death, while the benefits of wealth fade with its loss/ his passing 

العلمُ حاكمٌ والمالُ محكومٌ عليه

Knowledge is a judge, while wealth is judged upon. 

ماتَ خزَّانُ الأموالِ وهم أحياءٌ، والعلماءُ باقون ما بَقِيَ الدَّهرُ، أعيانُهم مفقودةٌ، وأمثالُهم في القلوبِ موجودةٌ

The people of wealth die even while they are alive, but scholars live on for as long as time exists; their physical presence may be lost, but their examples remain in the hearts.

References for this Athar:

[الحلية لأبي نعيم (1/80)، 

الفقيه والمتفقه للبغدادي (1/182)،

تهذيب الكمال للمزي (24/220)]

Although, some scholars deemed this Athar weak, Ibn Abdil Barr said: 

«وهو حديثٌ مشهورٌ عندَ أهلِ العلمِ، يَستغْنِي عن الإسنادِ؛ لشهرتِه عندَهم» 

“It is a well-known hadith (Athar) among scholars, and its widespread recognition among them renders the chain of transmission unnecessary.” 

[جامع بيان العلم وفضله (2/112)]

This Athar was explained by a number of great scholars, such as:

a. Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in: 

[جواب الاعتراضات المصرية على الفتوى الحموية]

b. Ibn al-Qayyim in: 

[مفتاح دار السعادة (1/403)]

c. Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali in:

[كشف الكربة في وصف حال أهل الغربة]

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