Can Jinn or Satan Affect a Girl’s Marriage Prospects?

Can Jinn or Satan Distort a Girl’s Appearance to Prevent Marriage?

Question: Is it possible that a girl’s marriage is not happening because jinn or shayatin distort her appearance to the boy’s family?

Answer: You have asked whether it is possible for jinn and shayatin to present a distorted image of a girl to the boy’s family.

The straightforward answer is that this is not possible because the girl is presented to the boy by her family, and many people, including the boy and his family, are present at that time. Have you ever seen a girl’s face being distorted? If you haven’t seen this, then where did this question arise in your mind?

I believe that there are false practitioners in society who scare people in the name of jinn and shayatin to attract attention and earn money. It is possible that this idea has been propagated by them.

Today, we have become so misguided as Muslims that we have abandoned reliance on Allah and link most of our issues to jinn and shayatin. We should repent from such thoughts and strengthen our trust in Allah.

We know that it has become extremely difficult for girls to get married nowadays, and due to this difficulty, families tend to think of various negative things, even believing in falsehoods.

We should strengthen our faith, reinforce our trust in Allah, and fear only Him. The deceit of jinn and shayatin is insignificant in the face of faith and good deeds. Seek Allah’s help and protection; no one can cause harm.

Written by: Sheikh Maqbool Ahmad Salafi (Hafizahullah), Jeddah Dawah Center (Saudi Arabia)

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