Islamic Rulings on Eating Clawed Birds and Desert Lizards

Halal or Haram: Understanding the Permissibility of Certain Animals in Islam

What has come concerning the foods, 14th Lesson | Benefits from Muntaqaa Ibn Al-Jarood

بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

Our Shaykh, the ‘Allaamah, the Sincere Advisor, Abu ‘Abdirrahman Yahya bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori – may Allaah preserve him

📚The prohibition of every clawed bird [bird predators]

892 – Muhammad bin Yahya narrated to us, he said ‘Affaan narrated to us, he said Abu ‘Awwaanah narrated to us, he said Abu Bishr narrated to us, on the authority of Maymoon bin Mihraan, on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with them both, he said: “The Prophet ﷺ forbade from every fanged animal from the predators and every clawed bird .”

The hadith is authentic* all of the men are trustworthy and it was reported by Bukhari and Muslim from the route of Al-Hakm, and Abee Bishr on the authority of Maymoon bin Mihraan.

893 – Al-Hasan bin Muhammad Az-Za’faraani narrated to us, he said Rowh bin ‘Ubaadah narrated to us, he said Sa’eed bin Abi ‘Uroobah narrated to us, he said on the authority of ‘Alee bin Al-Hakm, on the authority of Maymoon bin Mihraan, on the authority of Sa’eed bin Jubayr on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas may Allaah be pleased with them, said: the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ forbade every fanged animal from the predators and every clawed bird.

894 – Ziyaad bin Ayyub narrated to us, he said Hushaim narrated to us, he said Abu Bishr informed us on the authority of Sa’eed bin Jubayr, on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with them both, that he was asked about the eating of the desert lizard so he said: “My aunt Umm Hufaid gifted to the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ fat and jameed and desert lizard, so he ﷺ ate the fat and jameed and left the desert lizard due to not finding it appeasing, but had it been prohibited they would not have eaten it on the table of the Messenger of Allaah ﷺ nor would he have ordered with eating it.”

Agreed upon(Bukhari and Muslim)

➡️ The prohibition of all clawed birds

🔹 The reason for the prohibition of every fanged animal from the predators and every clawed bird, is due to what they have with them of savagery, so perhaps that a person was to be affected by eating it, in terms to what is befitting for a Muslim.

🔹 The conclusion is that food and drink affect the heart and body and religion, and the believer is soft, gentle and easy going and the predatorial animals have harshness and the believer is attributed with gentleness.

Mikhlab it was called mikhlab because it takhlub bihi(khalaba, yakhlubu, khalban) and khalb is ripping and cutting.

➡️ The majority of scholars are upon the prohibition of every clawed bird and Malik (Imam) opposed them and said it is makruh (disliked), and he didn’t say that it was prohibited, and there is statement of his which agrees with the majority.


What is also prohibited from the birds is that which eats the carcasses like the vulture and other than it.

↪️ And also what is included in the prohibition is the crow, because the Prophet ﷺ called it a faasiq (disobedient).

🔵 There is a principle with the majority: and it is everything that is ordered with the killing thereof is prohibited to consume, because the Prophet ﷺ ordered with leaving it, and likeso everything which is ordered not to kill is prohibited to eat because eating it brings about killing it.


1 – Umm Hufaid:

[Hazeelah bint Al-Haarith.]

2 – Umm Khalid bin Al-Waleed:

[Lubaabah bint Al-Haarith. ] Little

3 – Umm Ibn ‘Abbaas: Umm al-Fadhl

[Lubaabah bint ul-Haarith.]


4 – Maimoonah bint Al-Haarith the wife of the Prophet ﷺ, all these sisters are Sahaabiyaat, may Allaah be pleased with them.


Little Lubaabah: Umm Khalid.

Big Lubaabah: Umm Ibn Abbaas.

➡️ The ruling on eating the desert lizard

The Muslims have consensus on the permissibility of eating it and there is not one of the companions who said it is impermissible, or makruh (disliked), transmitted by an-Nawawi, and differing was found in those after them from Abu Hanifa and other than him for verily he said it is closer to bring impermissible, except the differing has been rebutted with the previously mentioned consensus, and with the proof of allowance to that, and there has been a weak hadith which is munkar (rejected) reported.


Ibn Ul-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy on him, mentioned that whoever eats food which he does not desire, then verily the harms will outweigh the benefits, and for that reason the Prophet ﷺ did not eat the desert lizard.

↪️ His statement (My aunt gifted jameed) it is solid laban (milk) without removal of the thick yoghurt.

And Adhub is the plural of Dhab.

Transcribed to Arabic and summarised by:

By Hamood Ath-Thawaabi

may Allah reward him with good –

on the 22th, Thil-Hijjah, 1439H

Translated by:

Abu ‘Abdillah ‘Omar bin Yahya Al-‘Akawi

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