Islamic Ruling on Artificial Insemination: Permitted and Forbidden Methods

Islamic Fiqh Council’s Verdict on Artificial Fertilization

Ruling On Artificial Insemination

Statement of the Islamic FIQH COUNCIL of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). 

The MEETING of the Islamic Fiqh Council held on 8 – 13 Safar 1407 AH (11–16 October 1986). 

After examining the subject of artificial fertilization –“test-tube babies” – by studying the research presented and listening to comments of experts and doctors, and after discussion, the Council reached the following conclusions: 

The methods of artificial fertilization that are known nowadays are SEEVEN: 

  • i. Where fertilization occurs between the SPERM taken from the HUSBAND and an egg taken from a WOMAN who is NOT his WIFE, then the embryo is implanted in his wife’s uterus.
  • ii. Where fertilization occurs between the SPERM of a man OTHER THAN the HUSBAND and the WIFE’S egg, then the embryo is implanted in the WIFE’S uterus.
  • iii. Where fertilization occurs between the sperm and egg of the couple, and the embryo is implanted in the uterus of a woman who volunteers to carry it (SURROGATE motherhood).
  • iv. Where fertilization occurs OUTSIDE the WOMB between the sperm and egg of strangers, then the embryo is implanted in the wife’s UTERUS.
  • v. Where fertilization occurs outside the womb between the sperm and egg of the couple, then the embryo is implanted in the uterus of the OTHER WIFE.
  • vi. Where sperm is taken from the HUSBAND and an egg is taken from the WIFE, and fertilization occurs outside the womb, then the embryo is implanted in the wife’s uterus.
  • vii. Where sperm is taken from the HUSBAND and PLACED in the wife’s vagina or uterus so that fertilization may take place inside her body. 

It was determined that the FIRST FIVE METHODS are all HARAAM according to sharee’ah and are forbidden completely in and of themselves, or because of the results to which they will lead, such as mixing of lineages, loss of motherhood and other things that are forbidden according to sharee’ah. 

With regard to the SIXTH and SEVENTH methods, the committee thinks that there is NOTHING wrong with resorting to them in CASES of NEED, after emphasizing that it is essential to take all necessary precautions.”

[Majallaat Al-Majma’ 3/1/423]

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