The Islamic Perspective on Struggle: Trials and Tribulations as a Means of Growth

Understanding the Purpose of Struggle in Islam


A believer may be tested by all sorts of difficulties like sickness, lack of income, disobedience from his children, etc.

The many afflictions that may beset a person are incalculable. Every one of us is being tested by ALLĀH. HE tests us all in different ways, ALLĀH said:

“Do people think once they say, ‘We believe,’ that they will be left without being put to the test?” {al-Ankaboot:1}

“We will certainly test you…” [al-Baqarah:155]

A believer is bound to be tested. Therefore, we should not blindly assume that the difficulties we face in life are punishments or signs that ALLĀH is displeased with us. Likewise, we should never construe the success and pleasures that others enjoy as signs that ALLĀH is pleased with them or that they are privileged. Sometimes, the opposite could be true.

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ said, “If ALLĀH wills goodness for HIS servant, HE hastens his punishment in this world. If ALLĀH wills to harm HIS servant, HE withholds punishment for his sins until he arrives on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, with greater rewards come greater trials. If ALLĀH loves a people, HE afflicts them with trials. Whoever is content will be given contentment, and whoever is displeased will be given displeasure.”

[al-Tirmidhi‌ 2396]

This is what gives contentment and composure to the believer’s heart, and acceptance of what must be endured in life. It is only this consideration that provides a balanced view of life, and through which, much wisdom of what takes place in the world becomes evident.

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