The True Source of Honour: Islam and Its Impact on Muslims

Understanding the Concept of Honour in Islam and Its Relation to Faith


Islam is what gives muslims their honour, their glory, their victory. As soon as muslims leave Islam behind them to pursue other sources of honour, they lose it all.

Just look at the Qur’aysh who had the Prophet ﷺ to give Da’wah to them and they turned away from him! 

Where are they now? 

Who remembers them now? 

Look at the likes of Abu Jahl! He was respected for his knowledge, people called him Abu Al Hakam! (Father of wisdom).

Now what is his name and what is he remembered for? 

Now he is known as Abu Jahl (Father of ignorance) and he is remembered for his stupidity and arrogance! 

Look at the likes of Aas ibn Wa’il from the Qur’aysh who taunted Muhammad ﷺ regularly, at the death of his sons. They called him Abtar (cut off) and jeered at him.

As ALLĀH ﷻ revealed in Surah Kawthar, 

إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱلۡأَبۡتَرُ

Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off. [108:3]

Who remembers the family of Aas ibn Wa’il now? 

Is he not cut off? Nobody remembers his lineage! 

But look at the legacy of Muhammad ﷺ! 

Look at the likes of Abu Lahab and the other uncles of Muhammad ﷺ who turned away, they were his kin! His own flesh and blood! But they failed to turn to Islam. Will their blood relation help them? No! Because without Islam there is nothing! 

Now look at the likes of Julaybib رضي الله عنه, the Sahabi who had nothing but Islam! Look how much Izzah he had! Buried by the Prophet ﷺ, a Shaheed! 

Now look at the likes of Bilal رضي الله عنه, A Slave before Islam, and a Mu’athin after accepting it! Such a honoured person! But would his honour have come to him without Islam? Or would he have remained a slave? 

You have all these examples in front of you! Do you not see?! Do you not see how clear it is? 

If you leave Islam behind you, if you leave the Qur’an behind you, if you forget ALLĀH. Then your honour, your accolades, your accomplishments are as temporary as the shifting sands.

Because without Islam, nothing will make you achieve Jannah. The Ultimate goal.

May ALLĀH ﷻ guide us all, make us among the righteous and make us among the upholders of Deen and revivers of the Sunnah.  



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