Discovering Gravity: Contributions of Muslim Scholars Before Newton

Abu Al-Qāsim ibn Qurrah: The First to Describe Earth’s Gravity

Who was the first to discover gravity?

Sheikh Salih Āl Ash-Sheikh ḥafidhahullāh says:

“The first to mention the concept of Earth’s gravity: Abu Al-Qāsim ’Ubayd Allāh ibn ’Abdullāh ibn Qurrah Al-Khār Dādhibah, who passed away in the year 280 AH, in his book ‘Al-Masālik wal Mamālik,’ on page 4, he describes Earth as:

«صفة الأرض أنها مدوّرة كتدوير الكرة موضوعة فى جوف الفلك كالمحّة فى جوف البيضة، والنسيم حول الأرض وهو جاذب لها من جميع جوانبها إلى الفلك، وبنية الخلق على الأرض أن النسيم جاذب لما فى أبدانهم من الخفّة والأرض جاذبة لما فى أبدانهم من الثقل لأن الأرض بمنزلة الحجر الذي يجتذب الحديد…» 

‘The Earth is described as spherical, like a ball placed within the celestial sphere, similar to a yolk within an egg. The air surrounding the Earth draws it from all sides toward the heavens. The structure of beings on Earth is such that the air attracts the lighter parts within their bodies, while the Earth attracts the heavier parts, as Earth functions in a manner similar to a magnet drawing iron…’

Thus, the claim that Newton was the first to propose gravity is not accurate; the concept of gravity was first recognised by Muslim scholars. However, Newton did formulate the three well-known laws of gravity.”


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