The Islamic Inheritance System: Understanding the Rights of Heirs and the Needy

Sūrah An-Nisā’ Verse 7-9: A Guide to Inheritance and Compassion in Islam

For men there is a share in what their parents and close relatives leave, and for women there is a share in what their parents and close relatives leave—whether it is little or much. ˹These` are˺ obligatory shares.

If ˹non-inheriting˺ relatives, orphans, or the needy are present at the time of distribution, offer them a ˹small˺ provision from it and speak to them kindly.

And let those ˹executors and guardians˺ have the same fear in their minds as they would have for their own, if they had left weak offspring behind. So let them fear ALLĀH and speak words of appropriate justice.

{An-Nisā’ || Verse 7-9}


1⃣ Do you still have the traits of the period of ignorance in you?

During the time of ignorance (Pre-Islamic period), people would deny children and women their share of inheritance. Islam, however, says otherwise and obligates that everyone has the right to inherit, even though their shares vary according to the degree of their relationship to the deceased.

2⃣ Do not go against the Wisdom of the Most Wise, Most Merciful.

Adhere to the Islamic ruling on inheritance. Thinking there are better ways to distribute your inheritance is going against the wisdom of ALLĀH, as HE HIMSELF has ordained the share of each inheritor. You must not transgress these ordinations or fall short.

3⃣ Give to the needy.

One of the sublime teachings of Islam, as indicated in the Ayah, is that you should give to those who hope for or show interest in what is within your capability.

4⃣ Kind words are charity.

ALLĀH urges that in situations where one cannot give due to some reason, one should turn the hopeful person away gently by saying kind words, as the Prophet (ﷺ) mentioned: “A kind word is charity.” {Al-Bukhārī #2989}

5⃣ Do unto others what you wish to be done to you.

Just as you would want your children to be treated fairly after you, treat other people’s children fairly when you are given the responsibility of caring for them.

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