Understanding Aqeeqah: Guidelines for Sacrificing Goats

Essential Insights on Performing Aqeeqah with Limited Resources

Question: If only one goat is available for a boy’s Aqeeqah and there is no ability to afford a second one, can the Aqeeqah be performed with what is available? If later on, there is the ability to afford another, should the second one be done, or is it not necessary? Also, can the Aqeeqah animal be served at a Walimah or Nikah?

Answer: If Allah has blessed someone with a son and they cannot afford to sacrifice two goats for Aqeeqah, then there is no need to perform Aqeeqah because it is only required for those who can afford it. Some scholars have said that if someone can afford to sacrifice one animal, they should do so, and if later Allah provides the means, they can sacrifice the second animal. This is permissible if one wishes to do so.

Secondly, the Aqeeqah animal can be served at a Walimah or Nikah, but it is incorrect to intentionally delay the Aqeeqah to serve it at the time of the wedding. Aqeeqah should be performed as soon as one has the means, without waiting for the Walimah or wedding. Delaying Aqeeqah with such intentions is incorrect.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi حفظه الله

❪Jeddah Dawah Center, Hayy Al-Salamah – Saudi Arabia❫


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