Adoption in Islam: Can Adopted Children Take the Family Name?

Understanding the Rules of Adoption and Naming in Islam

Question: If we adopt a girl as an orphan, can we give her our family name? I’ve heard that it’s not allowed to give an adopted boy our name, but what about a girl?

Answer: Whether you adopt a boy or a girl, you are not allowed to give them your family name in the sense of claiming to be their father or mother. Doing so is considered forbidden in Islam.  

The adopted child must be attributed to their biological parents. While you may be their guardian, you cannot claim parental rights. However, as a guardian, you can give your name as a protector, but not as a parent.

✍ Sheikh Maqbool Ahmed Salafi (Hafizahullaah)

Jeddah Dawah Center – As-Salamah – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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